Saturday, August 1, 2009


To speak to another person can seem very easy, or the hardest thing possible. To me talking to someone usually comes easy. I always have something to say and always have information I want to know. Usually that is the recipe for a conversation. However, as time goes on, I see that it takes more than just one person willingness to have a conversation. To use an old phrase, "I takes two to tango". So, thus this is where communication comes into play.

So, I have to start with why I think we communicate. Personally, I know many people who when put in a room with another person, feels compelled to talk. Even if all the conversation is idle chat or small talk. The willingness to communicate will be there. But, if all communication was just wanting to talk, then this world would be peaceful.

Then, if your like me, you can just say whatever you want, and ask whatever you want. Well, while I would like to sit here and just say that works all the time..... I can't. Because it doesn't. My conversations can tend to go the way of an interrogation. Me asking questions, and expecting answers I can understand and digest. Great if everyone thinks like me. Terrible in the real world.

Well, then dammit, are we doomed to be misunderstood for the rest of our lives? In short, yes. We will never transmit our thoughts 100% clearly. No matter who we are trying to talk to. But there in lies the communication skills. We have to sit back, and alter our message so that it will make sense to those we are trying to talk to. That will require to know at least something about who we are talking to. Know which words they know, and which they don't. Some people think 'pissed' is more intense than 'angry' and other think the opposite.

All I want you loyal readers to take away from this is; communication while a necessity, is an art we must all master. In what we say and what we hear. The same word can have as may definitions as there are people. And some people some times just aren't open to communication, no matter how much they are talking.... til next time folks