Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So, I watched tonights (10/28) replay of South Park. It was the episode about whaling. Stan had a problem with Japanese killing whales and dolphins. The episode was pretty funny and if you haven't seen it check it out. Now if you know anything about me you should know that I'm pretty apathetic towards animals. Dogs aren't my best friends. I get no enjoyment from watching animal planet. I personally only think that animals are only good for 2 things: food and labor. Outside of that, let nature have 'em.

Now I'll take this dog any day

Now obviously I'm not towards the general consensus in this country. This nation from my experience worships dogs like the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats. And the same can't be said for every animal. There is an animal caste system that exist. If we love and find the animal cute its at the top. If we don't like it or its served in every restaurant it at the bottom. Example: people have no problem eating chicken, but bring up the idea of eating a dog and they will be disgusted.

Now this caste system applies to many areas outside of just food. I recently found out that there is an insurance policy for pets. Now let's for a second forget that millions of Americans are on the brink of financial ruin covering their medical costs, while Fido is insured out the ass. Progressive Insurance provides for pet insurance for free when you get insurance with them.

When I looked into these policies, its not surprising that most of them only covered dogs, cats, and birds. See the problem? If your pet is not a dog, cat, or bird, you have to search harder for coverage and pay more. So, if i kept a pet mouse I'm on my own if I want to provide medical coverage for it. In the minds of most people however, mice are considered dirty animals and thus not high enough in the animal caste system to be considered "pet worthy". So, if you were inclined to insure your mouse there are less policies.

Now let's move from insurance and "pet worthy" to which animals people are sympathetic towards and which are not. Its no surprise to anyone that a dog being abuseed will upset many people. What is a surprise is that those same people will have no issues using products that are tested on animals. There is an international outrage over the practice of hunting whales and dolphins. But hunting dear, and killing cows and chicken for the same purpose is okay. I personally know a person that would kill any one who harms an animal. But has walked away while a fellow human was in need with no issue.

So, I know no matter how many arguments I can make nothing will change. I'm gonna get looked down on and demonized for lack of concern for the well-being of animals. I just want to know when and who decided what animals are worth more than another.But until then......